New to all this?

Greetings! We are always happy to see new faces at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.

Sunday service is at 10 am. All are welcome in The Episcopal Church. Please lend your voice to all the songs.

Be sure and grab a bulletin. The bulletin has everything you need to know for the service including hymns. 

Guest book and restrooms are located in the 15th street Narthex (lobby).  Sit anywhere you like. Service animals and well-behaved pets are welcome.Rest in the beautiful space. Begin to center your heart.  

Typically, Episcopalians stand to sing, sit to learn, and stand or kneel to pray. Wandering is okay, too, especially for little ones in attendance.

You will see that there's an opportunity for birthday, anniversary and thanksgiving blessings. When the priest invites people to come forward for a blessing, please do if you choose. 

A central part of the Episcopal service is Holy Eucharist (an ancient Greek word meaning thanksgiving). The Eucharist is also called Communion, the Lord's Supper, the Mass, or the Sacrament. This is bread (with a gluten-free option) and wine (or consecrated grape juice) which Episcopalians believe become the body and blood of our savior Jesus Christ, after they are consecrated or blessed. With this ritual, we renew our commitment to the awareness that we are all one. 

In The Episcopal Church all baptized Christians, no matter their denomination, are invited to take Communion. If you wish to receive Communion, please step forward when the usher directs. 

Communion may be taken by bread only, bread dipped in wine (called intinction), or by drinking from the common cup. The silver chalice holds consecrated wine; the pottery chalice consecrated grape juice.

Whether or not you have been baptized in any demonination, you can receive a blessing from the priest instead of taking the Eucharist. When you pass through the Communion line and reach the priest, simply cross your arms across your chest and bow your head. You will be blessed.

Instead of coming to the altar for Eucharist or blessing, or in addition to either, blessings for healing are also available at the Baptismal Font during Communion. 

And, wonderfully, if you prefer to stay seated and listen to the music or pray or meditate solely, you may.

The service concludes with music. Please enjoy. And stay after for coffee hour to enjoy fellowship and food.