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Roses are blooming at the World Peace Garden as downtown prepares for December holidays. When the air is cool and the sun is shining, consider meandering over to Capitol Park before or after spending time at St. Paul's. 

Neuroscientist Dr. Shane O'Mara says that while walking in a park we can let go of being mindful altogether: the mindlessness that arises from aimless ambling as we soak up the beauty of flowers and trees calms our nervous systems. This is good daydreaming time. A time to open oneself to beauty, intuition and wonder.

Sacramento ranks 21st as most walkable cities in the United States. The neighborhood around St. Paul's earns a walk score of 87 out of 100 and is called a "biker's paradise."

Tours of the Capitol Park grounds are available free at 1 pm on Wednesdays and Sundays from November through March. Reservations can be made here. Or grab a friend after church services and walk over!

When walking, biking or rolling through on your own, take a look for the dozens of trees recently planted by gardeners. In January 2023, more than 1,000 trees fell during and after strong winter storms. Consider pausing by these new trees and offering a prayer for gratitude, hope or plain old love. 

Trees help cool the heat island effect created by asphalt and vehicle emissions in the city's downtown, provide habitat for raptors and songbirds, offer shade for people and other animals to rest under, fill the air with oxygen while capturing CO2, and brighten our lives with the swoosh of wind in leaves and the colors of greens, ambers, coppers and browns.

Throughout the world, trees represent harmony and wisdom. They symbolize a connection of earthly and spiritual.