From morning through late afternoon Wednesday, St. Paul's opened the doors to all for meditation, prayer, yoga, song and crafts.
The day began with harp music and hand-held labyrinths, personal wooden labyrinths that one "walks" with a finger.
Service started at 12:10 and included organ and piano music, singing, bells, poetry, candlelighting and blessings.
Each person was invited to write a prayer on a paper moon. These hang on the Christmas tree to be prayed over again during Christmas services. (You can add your own prayer on Sunday if you choose!
Yoga followed with a circle of people ranging in age from 19 to 90 enjoying a seated practice for ease and calm.
The day concluded with Dorcas leading paracord crafts where people enjoyed the satisfaction of learning something new.
Thank you all who attended in person and in spirit. Happy Solstice. See you at Christmas!