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KCRA-3 News arrived early at the corner of 15th & J on the morning of Ash Wednesday, March 5, to talk with St. Paul's Episcopal Church's Rector, Rev. Rik Rasmussen, and the several lay members, who were out on the sidewalk offering Imposition of Ashes and prayer to people on their way to work in the city or to one of two conventions being held that day at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center next door.

Ashes to Go has become a popular way for some churches to share the beginning of Lent with people outside their church buildings. 

Reporter Mike TeSelle broadcasted live from St. Paul's corner during KCRA's morning newscast to share the various places around the city where people could find Ashes to Go. Watch and read the news story  HERE. In addition to St. Paul's, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and St. John's Lutheran Church also offered Ashes to Go in the downtown Sacramento area.

Several of the people who came by St. Paul's for Ashes to Go told Rev. Rik they had come because they saw it on the news. Drivers even parked briefly at the corner, got out to receive ashes and a blessing, then drove on to their intended destinations.

Rev. Rik reported that the foot traffic on both 15th and J streets were near pre-COVID levels. He thanked Doug Clay, Mark Kane, Charles Heermans, Loreen Kleinschmidt and Deacon Nancy Pennekamp for helping throughout the day.

A full worship service of liturgy including Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes was also held inside St. Paul's at noon on Ash Wednesday.