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Explore the wonder of the breath of life. 

Seated yoga, practiced from a chair, provides an opportunity to unify body and breath through gentle activity. Fluid, rhythmic movement prepares the mind for meditation, contemplation and prayer. 

Join us for 45 minutes of slow yoga with guided breath practices to prepare you for the beginning of winter, the altered schedule of the holidays, and the transition to a new calendar year.

This practice is suited for adults new to and experienced with yoga, of all abilities.

 Experience the wonder of your physical and emotional heart. Soothe your soul.

And experience how chair yoga, as science says, may help boost balance, flexibility, mood, and overall strength.

Want to get started? Try this series for hand health. Do what you can. Be gentle with yourself.

Open to all. Wear street clothes. No need to bring a thing. Come as you are. No charge.

Social distancing is an option in the space. Wheelchairs and walkers are welcome.

For adults 18 and older.

To register, please send an email message to Alexa Mergen at Hope's Space